
Plenty of us have things we’d like to accomplish. I’m finding more and more as the years go by, I’m reflecting on if I’m satisfied by my accomplishments. The verdict is: I’m not at all satisfied! I have some traveling that I would like to do, projects I would like to bring into fruition as well as some health goals I’m reaching towards that I’d like to accomplish. 

Nevertheless, I took time to reflect and plan on my next moves. While I won’t be sharing any of those goals here, I would like to encourage everyone reading to reach for a your goals. Let those goals be motivators for getting up in the morning. I have so many things that I put on a list that I wanted to conquer this year and I’ve done quite a few! I’m so proud of that! Moving forward, I am focused on not my fails but my progress…no matter how seemingly small. 

In the near future, you all will see my goals as I accomplish them and I will be sure to elaborate on them them. It is important that we not get frustrated at what seems like a fail. Each failure teaches us a lesson that can’t be learned any other way. Using focus, turn attention to all positives. Positive people, friends, thoughts and productive actions all help in gathering the gusto to check off those goals. 

Ignore the people that tell you that you can’t, the thoughts that take your confidence down and avoid procrastination. Don’t put off doing something because you’re afraid to fail. The weather isn’t always true to the current season but each season comes like clockwork! Things may not go right during a certain “season” in your life, leaving you to battle through treacherous storms but don’t put off your goals because of it. Makes accomplishments despite those storms.